Godzilla (2014) Movie Review

The biggest badassed badass is back! But before being back, dat boi was back again. The second shot America had at making a Godzilla movie that wasn't just a re-edit of a real Godzilla movie, "Godzilla" which we always just call Godzilla 2014 was produced by Legendary Pictures in.. well.. 2014. People were concerned obviously, after Tristar's God

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Rogue One Movie Review

The 8th movie in the Star Wars series.. or 9th, if you count the holiday special, is not an episode! Or is episode 3 and a half. Either way, it (blog post) is the film version of the text from (blog) the original movie, where science fiction movie rebels steal the plans to the Death Star. Of course, the text left out that part about the ninja and

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Tango & Cash Movie Review

This particular review has been a major request ever since The Summer of Sylvester Stallone was announced. It would seem that is for good reason, as it pairs Stallone with Kurt Russel in a classic 80s police action movie. Is it (blog post) deep, emotional and life changing? No.. but it just may be popcorn entertainment at it's finest.Source: Tang

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